My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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finally… newbies #3

Again… I nearly didn’t make it to the spot I wanted to photograph today. Again… I very nearly said that it wasn’t important and there were other things that needed to be done. But, as you can see – I didn’t let that happen, and I’m so much happier because of it! (Even if I’m using a laptop which is awful and I’ve been swearing at it for the last hour – still no computer)

I’ve been inspired by the photographs of a ‘friend’ (maybe more of an acquaintance, if that) to take a step back and try and compose a whole scene, but whilst I failed dismally at that today, I have at least posted my first ever portrait orientation photo at the bottom of this series… yes, I know full well how sad it is that I’m aware of it, but the first step is admitting you have a problem, right?!

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