My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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newbies #11

I’m starting to run into a problem (a good one!)… I’ve got a fair few images to post, and they’re going to start ganging up on me if I’m not careful! Do you know what the best thing is about being on holidays at the moment? When I’m out, there’s no real deadlines of places I need to be or things I need to do – and if I see something I want to photograph, there’s absolutely no issue with me going round a few blocks to go back… which I’ve definitely done. I use a tracking app on my phone and then tag my images so that I have some idea where on earth I took them… when you’ve spent a few days walking and driving in circles it certainly comes in handy! You should see the ‘path’ I take – all over the place, and completely illogical with no real sense of purpose… which just happens to have a pretty strong contrast to my images, I think!

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