My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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newbies #40

Sometimes I know what I’m going to write – some random story that has been inspired by my photographs. Other times it comes to me when I sit down to post them (in my ‘box’ as my husband calls it – he knows not to try and talk to me when I’m in it!), and other times I’ve got nothing. The latter is generally when I’m feeling least inspired – i.e. tired, stressed, hangry (yes, that’s the correct spelling… you know when you’re hungry and you get angry easily? think about it…) and, in particular – when I haven’t been out taking or looking for photographs. The creative process is such a strange thing – previously, I would never have classified myself as a ‘creative’ person, but I now know if I try and stop myself taking photos or making something I get a little agitated over time. Well, maybe a lot agitated. I have withdrawal symptoms. I get grumpy. What the hell?! Easiest thing to do is get out there and find something, but I have no idea why. I guess I could be addicted to much worse things, right?!

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