My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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newbies #6

Right place, right time. Right place, right time. So (so!) many of my photographs really do rely on me being in just the right location at just the right time of day – and this one is definitely no exception. My wonderful husband was dropping me off at the train station when we drove past here… I saw this through the cars in the carpark and there was definitely a couple of seconds when I contemplated not asking him to stop. I went back, took it – and then showed it to him – to which he responded with “How the HELL did you see that?!” Good question. I have no idea, except that I’m glad I did. Moments later (really and truly, all drama aside), the clouds rolled in – no more shadows, no more glowing traffic cone. It was interesting to see the transformation – something I loved turned into something flat and really quite boring.

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