My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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Minimal time spent with a camera in my hand this weekend, too… what is wrong with me?! That said, I did have an interesting conversation with my husband about why I like shopping centre carparks – his response? That he didn’t mind because it was probably much cheaper me being on the roof of the shopping centre than actually inside it. Cheeky man. This lot of photos is still in Toowoomba, and there’ll be a couple more posts to come, as there are a few to get through. I went to the most colourful places I could think of… can you tell?!

This is the first before/after that is absolutely no longer there… no trace at all of what it was previously. It’s a strange thing to see, and you’ll have to take my word (and geotagging!) for it, as I know you can’t tell between these two! Admittedly, I knew it wouldn’t be around for all that long, as it was a display thingie for an upcoming construction project, which has obviously started. I know full well how much difference there is between then and now, but for some reason I find comparing the two photos fascinating.

22/09/13 – 7:26am

23/08/14 – 4:42pm

Welcome to Toowoomba! I’ve only been on one photo expedition here – but not for want of trying. In fact – there’s a photo I’ve been trying to take for the last 12 months that I finally have, and its such a good feeling! I think I’ve tried to take it 3 times previously, but with a sad ending to each attempt. No matter, all sorted now! The day before this was raining and foggy (as is the true Toowoomba style – I do not miss that place) so I was pretty excited to wake up to find a gloriously sunny day… freezing cold and windy, but that is to be expected, right?!?

A miscellaneous collection of leftovers… for some unknown reason, I don’t want to mix cities in one post.

This weekend is the first weekend in months and months and months where I haven’t been out to take photos… whilst I’m sure the industrial areas of Brisbane missed me, it’s probably a good thing. Why? I have a massive backlog to get through (have you heard that before?!?) from a trip to Toowoomba last weekend… but I’ll save that story for when I post them! On a side note, how funny are those gnomes?! I drive past them all the time (they’re on a pretty major road) and they make me smile. Again – it’s one of those scenarios when I wonder who else notices them?

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