My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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I’m getting there… slowly.

On a side note, I’m mighty proud of what I’m finding and the photos I’ve been taking lately – not sure what’s changed, but I’m not complaining!

You come here for the pictures, not the words… right? Good! I took these two weeks ago (I think. I have no idea), and I’ve got at least 5 more blog posts until I catch up to today’s date. I’m tired. That is all!

So many photos, so little time. That’s a lie and I know it, but I’m a bit busy at the moment to think about photos. That’s also a lie – I’m sure thinking about them and seeing them everywhere, I just haven’t been taking/looking at/posting them! If I’ve got nothing to say, I may as well say nothing. So, here’s a whole post dedicated to ‘nothing’!

Yeah… I’ve got nothing, so the pictures can do the talking today. Enjoy!

Mammoth post alert! This is a last minute attempt to clear some of the backlog… because I sure as hell know I’m not going to have that much time in the next few weeks to post these. Some photos improve when I’m not looking at them, and others get much worse, I swear! I’ve gone back over my thousands of photos from last year and I know there’s so many that I’ve ‘missed’ because I didn’t like them at the time. I know my taste (would ‘eye’ be a more appropriate word there?!) has changed, so I’m starting to wonder if some of the photos that ‘didn’t work for me’ (oh, and how many times have I said that?!?) were actually just because they weren’t what I was looking for at the time? If that makes no excuse, I’m sick. Blame it on that!

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