My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

Masthead header

My ‘rebel streak’ continues (whatever!) – there was a speed camera van parked directly in front of this first spot… complete with policeman (men?) and everything, so I said some bad words to myself and eventually psyched myself up to go and take my photo with the thought that they should be watching the road, anyway. Or so I hoped… needless to say, I didn’t waste any time dawdling! I’ve been here more than once to take this photo but for some reason they put the bins away when they knew I was coming… sneaky. Seriously, how could you pass up a bin labeled ‘chicken food’ next to a frog pointing at you?! Also – do you like the doormat on the yellow building? I’m not convinced the number sign is straight, either.

Weirdly, most of my before/afters involve red… it is the most common colour (other than grey/neutral!) that I seem to find, but I have no idea why it seems to be involved in lots of changes! I’m finding this series interesting and a little challenging – it is making me take photos of places I wouldn’t normally, and I’m definitely composing those photos differently. Jury is still out on how successful that is, but… the point is to show the difference, right?!

01/11/13 – 6:29am

10/08/14 – 8:02am

I’ve been such a rebel lately… for the first time (I think?), I’ve climbed through a fence and ‘properly’ trespassed to take a photo… on two occasions! One was a school I’ve been eyeing off for a long long long time, another was an industrial warehouse that I just wanted to get closer to. Well… to be honest, all I did was climb in between two poles at the warehouse, and walk through an open gate at the school – but I definitely wasn’t supposed to be there and my heart was beating faster… just a tiiiiny bit! Just to prove my point of how sad I am, I took a photo of the fence/poles etc at the warehouse to show my husband and demonstrate how brave I was! I could never be a criminal.

I have found some seriously interesting places recently… and I know I go on about how many of them are in areas I’ve been a million times before, but it’s true! Absolutely no idea what has changed, but I certainly don’t mind.

I’m clearly still obsessed with shadows, since there’s only one in this lot that doesn’t have them!

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