My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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My Stanthorpe/ Warwick collection is all about blue – partly due to the sky, but for some reason there was also a lot of it. I’ve tried to split it up a little, but it’s a bit hard to split blue with more blue…!

Lots of photo related thinking going on in my brain at the moment… but none about words to accompany my photos, unfortunately! This is the first of 3 (I think?) non-Brisbane posts – these are from Stanthorpe/Warwick a few weekends ago.

Here’s my second category/series thingie – ‘before’s and ‘afters’. I know I’ve written about how quickly the scenery can change… and it’s true! Neither of these are wonderful images – both taken at the wrong time of day, but at least I’m consistent, right?! Don’t worry, I’m not going to attempt to take exactly the same photo – close enough will do. Imagine this in a few years time – it’s currently being turned into a development site, and I don’t think this side of the building is even accessible any more!

23/02/14 – 1:23pm

15/06/14 – 1:06pm

I’d like to say I have no idea how this happened, but that would be a lie. I’ve given up scrolling through my thousands of photos (pushing the 4k mark, if you’re remotely interested!) to get to the most recent ones – so I’ve got a ‘working’ folder which collects all the images I haven’t gone through yet. Currently that folder contains 484 photos that I’ve taken in the last two weeks… or the last two weekends, to be precise. Sigh. Here’s to the beginning of a lot!

There are times when I really notice themes in my photos – sometimes it’s a colour, sometimes it’s the way I compose things, sometimes it’s a physical item. I love the thought of grouping images into collections of things – somehow it tends to increase the impact, even if each image might lose a bit of it’s individual impact. I’m forever coming up with ideas of how I’d like to photograph a series of things/colours/etc and present them together – but I’m yet to do so. Without further ado… welcome to a new category: collections! I’ve got another section I’m working on at the moment, too… life is pretty busy in my little photo-obsessed world. On a side note – soon there’s going to be three sets of numbered posts going at once… too confusing?! Never mind.

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