My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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newbies #4

I took so many photos yesterday I had to split it into two instalments…! I cannot begin to explain how much ridiculous enjoyment I get from finding and taking photos of these interesting places – and I often wonder how many others see them in the same way that I do? Odd way of looking at things, I know – but I really am intrigued as to how much I’ve ‘trained’ my eyes to find the details around me.

It’s a strange feeling for me posting so many images at once when I’m used to individuals – there’s things I want to say about some of them, but I’m not sure how to ‘structure’ it (cough cough – not everything is about structure, dear Ann…). Including the time and place with each photo is something that’s also important to me, but for some reason at the moment it seems too much. Need to work out some balance here!


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