My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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newbies #85

I’ve been carting a camera permanently in my bag since November 2012, and I’ve had my current camera since August 2013 – so you could say I’m pretty familiar with the limitations/pros/cons that my little Fuji has! The second photo in this series is a new one, though – I desperately wanted to take a photo of this door (wouldn’t you?), but it was behind a closed gate. My camera wouldn’t fit through the bars in the fence, so what did I do? Put the camera over the top of the fence and then hold it through the fence with my other hand, and try and eyeball the live view to get things lined up. Took a few goes to get it right (my coordination leaves a bit to be desired sometimes!) – but I finally ended up with one I was happy with. I’d love to see their security tape: arms outstretched through the fence, trying to see the screen…!

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