My Kind of Landscape » - urban landscape photography

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WARNING: The next three posts (including this one) are predominantly grey, blue and yellow. I’ve got absolutely no idea how that actually happened, but somehow everything is very colour coordinated… and I’m still not sure if I like it or I if I don’t!

There’s a photo in this series that I was a little intimidated to go and take by myself… so I asked my lovely husband to come with me. To his credit, he did (although I’m 98% sure he didn’t want to!). I tend to ask him to be my wingman when I think I’m going to be questioned about being a terrorist, or when I’m going somewhere I possibly shouldn’t be (he’s my getaway driver). This time, I was casually taking a photo of a fire escape door (as I often tend to do), and turned around to see him inspecting (read: shaking) the fire evacuation ladder thingie, trying to work out how it was attached or some hinge or some engineering contraption that his brain thinks about. Which one looked more suspicious do you think? Him, or me?! The combination was pretty awful – between the two of us, we looked like we were scoping the place out, I swear.

This post should be entitled the ‘Shadow Files’ or something similar – because that is all it is. Two stairwells, one morning – and wayyyyy too much time spent glaring at angles and compositions trying to make them work. It’s mighty hard trying to get these the way I want them, and it is very rare that there’s one I ‘absolutely love’. Super confined space makes for lots of vertical images, and I certainly contorted myself into a few strange positions to try things out… with not a whole lot of success! One day I’ll get it right. I hope! 

I’ve driven past this wall what feels like a million times, but I’ve never stopped to take a photo of it. So, when the black stripe appeared on the bottom I thought it was a sign I should do something about it… and I couldn’t have been more right! The day after I took the first one I drove past to see the brand spanking new mural – and I was so surprised I think I actually said something out aloud (while in the car by myself, driving home from work. Yeah, I know.) The new fish sure is impressive, and I quite enjoy seeing it – it is so bright and cleverly painted. The combination of my silly little story and this amazing mural makes me smile every day when I drive past.

10/08/14 ~ 8:33am

13/08/14 ~ 8:36am

Do not let the length of this post fool you into thinking that I don’t have a lot of photos to go through, because I do. The honest truth is that I’ve been spending a lot of time sorting and categorising things in my head (I’ll share one day, it’s ‘complicated’!) and suddenly I’m finding myself not wanting to post images from multiple locations/trips together, and/or think that they have different styles and don’t match. I guess in a way that is true, but it’s a little weird how it seems to have happened in a hurry. This little collection is from a few weeks (?? maybe, I don’t remember) ago – a quick trip to a shopping centre, and surprise, surprise… I found something to photograph. I finally bought a lens hood for this camera (only how many months/years too late?) so now I don’t have to awkwardly try and shade my camera with my hand (the success rate is proportional to my coordination skills… enough said). I’m loving it, as now I can actually concentrate on what I’m doing.

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